Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Game Score and a Student Assignment

For the past month I've been composing music for the upcoming video game Dark Raid from Vector Games. From what I've seen so far, this game looks amazing and I can't wait to get to play it.

To work on it has been such a great experience and it's been a true pleasure to work with the people behind it. We plan to release the full score, as a free download (with options for donations) on my site, as soon as the game hits the shelves.

Here's "Dark Raid - Main Theme":

Make sure to keep an eye out for the game. Check their website and their facebook page for updates.

I'm also doing ThinkSpace's Cinematic Orchestration course and I'm currently covering woodwinds which I haven't written especially for before. Here's a piece I wrote for one of the assignments for winds and strings:

"Funny Feelings - A Love Theme"